Revision of the Centipede Genus Hemiscolopendra Kraepelin, 1903: Description of H. marginata (Say, 1821) and possible misidentifications as Scolopendra spp.; proposal of Akymnopellis, n. gen.

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2008
Authors:R. M. Shelley
Journal:International Journal of Myriapodology
ISSN:1875-2535, 1875-2543
Keywords:Akymnopellis, H. marginata, Hemiscolopendra, NORTH AMERICA, South America, United States

Full title: Revision of the Centipede Genus Hemiscolopendra Kraepelin, 1903: Description of H. marginata (Say, 1821) and possible misidentifications as Scolopendra spp.; proposal of Akymnopellis, n. gen., and redescriptions of its South American components (Scolopendromorpha: Scolopendridae: Scolopendrinae).

Abstract: Hemiscolopendra Kraepelin, 1903, is a monotypic genus. Its sole species, H. marginata (Say, 1821), possibly misidentified in older publications as Scolopendra morsitans L., 1758, and S. pachygnatha Pocock, 1905, occurs from the southern Atlantic Coast of the United States to west Texas, in the east/west dimension, and, north/south, from southern Ohio-Illinois to Chiapas, Mexico. Individuals throughout this area vary through the same limits, proving that they are conspecific. Akymnopellis, n. gen., is erected to accommodate the South American species previously assigned to Hemiscolopendrachilensis (Gervais, 1847), laevigata (Porat, 1876), and platei (Attems, 1903). Two new synonymies are proposed – Otostigma michaelseni Attems, 1903, under A. laevigata, and Hemiscolopendra perdita Chamberlin, 1955, under A. platei.

Recommended citation: Shelley, R. M. (2008): Revision of the Centipede Genus Hemiscolopendra Kraepelin, 1903: Description of H. marginata (Say, 1821) and possible misidentifications as Scolopendra spp.; proposal of Akymnopellis, n. gen., and redescriptions of its South American components (Scolopendromorpha: Scolopendridae: Scolopendrinae). International Journal of Myriapodology, 1 (2): 171-204.

Citation Key:1924
Refereed Designation:Refereed
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