USNM - ENT - 1580636

Basis of record: 
Preserved Specimen
Institution code: 
Collection code: 
Catalogue number: 
Identified by: 
Date identified: 
Saturday, April 30, 1955
Type status: 
Date collected: 
Saturday, September 1, 1951 to Sunday, September 30, 1951
Other catalogue numbers: 
Weyrauch's collection number: WKW.12.097. Sophie Lutterlough’s number for Chamberlin's collection: 48-729.

Transcription of labels: Plastic label, printed, with a QR code and the catalog number |USNMENT 01580636|. Sophie Lutterlough’s typescript label |48-729|, the 48 corresponds to the “Chamberlin jar number”, the 729 is a running number applied across jars by Sophie. Handwritten, ink, Wolfgang Weyrauch’s label |WKW.12.097 Berg bei Asia, PERU, 450m. IX. 51. leg. W. Weyrauch|. Part typewritten, part handwritten, ink, Chamberlin’s (?) label |Newportia weyrauchi Ch. Types| (the underlines are made with ink).
Specimen remarks: Anterior fragment, comprising the head, forcipular segment and leg-bearing segments 1-15 (of 23) matches specimen SMF-Myr-2943, the latter comprising leg-bearing segments 16-23 (of 23) and one detached ultimate leg. Property of anterior fragment transferred to Senckenberg Frankfurt by agreement with NMNH-SI curator Dr. Hannah Wood (11.v.2022). Anterior fragment integrated with SMF-Myr-2943 by Carlos Martínez.
Link to USNMENT 1580636 record:
Publication remarks: Weyrauch's collection number WKW.12.097 was incorrectly cited by Chamberlin (1955: 40)[1] as "WEYRAUCH no. 12092".


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith