
TypTitelAutorAntwortenZuletzt aktualisiert
BiblioA new species of Scolopender from the Philippines - (Chilopoda: Scolopendridae) Archilegt0vor 4 Jahre 11 Monate
BiblioOn the function of the ultimate legs of some Scolopendridae (Chilopoda, Scolopendromorpha). In: Tuf IH, Tajovský K (Eds) Proceedings of the 16th International Congress of Myriapodology, Olomouc, Czech Republic. Archilegt0vor 4 Jahre 11 Monate
BiblioScolopendra antananarivoensis spec. nov. – a new species of Scolopendra Linnaeus, 1758 related to Scolopendra morsitans Linnaeus, 1758 from Madagascar (Myriapoda, Chilopoda, Scolopendridae) Archilegt0vor 4 Jahre 11 Monate
Taxon DescriptionScolopendra oraniensis Archilegt0vor 4 Jahre 11 Monate
Taxon DescriptionBifurcatella bifurcata Archilegt0vor 4 Jahre 11 Monate
Taxon DescriptionAustrotyla montani Archilegt0vor 4 Jahre 11 Monate
BiblioDarwin Core terms for the Conotylidae occurences mentioned in: The millipede family Conotylidae in northwestern North America (Diplopoda, Chordeumatida, Heterochordeumatidea, Conotyloidea), with a complete bibliography of the family Archilegt0vor 4 Jahre 11 Monate
BiblioDistribution of the Conotylidae Occurences mentioned in: The millipede family Conotylidae in northwestern North America (Diplopoda, Chordeumatida, Heterochordeumatidea, Conotyloidea), with a complete bibliography of the family Archilegt0vor 4 Jahre 11 Monate
BiblioNotes on the genus Capromys of Desmarest Archilegt0vor 4 Jahre 11 Monate
BiblioA Monograph on the Species and Distribution of the Genus Peripatus (Guilding) Archilegt0vor 4 Jahre 11 Monate
BiblioDescription of Peripatus oviparus Archilegt0vor 4 Jahre 11 Monate
BiblioOn the specific identity of the Australian Peripatus usually supposed to be P. leuckarti, Saenger Archilegt0vor 4 Jahre 11 Monate
Taxon DescriptionPeripatopsis balfouri Archilegt0vor 4 Jahre 11 Monate
Taxon DescriptionPeripatus balfouri Archilegt0vor 4 Jahre 11 Monate
BiblioMolecular phylogeny of Australasian anopsobiine centipedes (Chilopoda: Lithobiomorpha) Archilegt0vor 4 Jahre 11 Monate
BiblioA new species of the henicopid centipede Dichelobius (Chilopoda: Lithobiomorpha) from southeastern Australia and Lord Howe Island Archilegt0vor 4 Jahre 11 Monate
BiblioCryptic speciation in a biodiversity hotspot: multilocus molecular data reveal new velvet worm species from Western Australia (Onychophora: Peripatopsidae: Kumbadjena) Archilegt0vor 4 Jahre 11 Monate
BiblioA scolopocryptopid centipede (Chilopoda: Scolopendromorpha) from Mexican amber: Synchrotron microtomography and phylogenetic placement using a combined morphological and molecular data set Archilegt0vor 4 Jahre 11 Monate
BiblioResolving the phylogenetic position of enigmatic New Guinea and Seychelles Scutigeromorpha (Chilopoda): a molecular and morphological assessment of Ballonemini Archilegt0vor 4 Jahre 11 Monate
BiblioA New Zealand species of the trans-Tasman centipede order Craterostigmomorpha (Arthropoda: Chilopoda) corroborated by molecular evidence Archilegt0vor 4 Jahre 11 Monate
BiblioA new blind Lamyctes (Chilopoda: Lithobiomorpha) from Tasmania with an analysis of molecular sequence data for the Lamyctes-Henicops Group Archilegt0vor 4 Jahre 11 Monate
ForenthemaGuidelines for taxa linked in literature? Biosam1vor 4 Jahre 12 Monate
BiblioNew data on the fauna of China, part I: the taxonomy of the millipede family Julidae (Diplopoda) Archilegt0vor 4 Jahre 12 Monate
BiblioDie Familien der Anneliden Archilegt0vor 4 Jahre 12 Monate
BiblioThe anatomy and development of Peripatus novae-britanniae Archilegt0vor 5 Jahre 1 Tag


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith