
TypTitelAutorAntwortenZuletzt aktualisiert
BiblioÜber die Diplopodenfauna Schleswig-Holsteins Archilegt0vor 3 Jahre 2 Monate
BiblioDecomposition of Organic Matter in Caves Archilegt0vor 3 Jahre 2 Monate
BiblioTourism effects on the subterranean fauna in a Central American cave Archilegt0vor 3 Jahre 2 Monate
BiblioThe Wynberg Cave System, the most important site for cave fauna in South Africa at risk Archilegt0vor 3 Jahre 2 Monate
BiblioDNA metabarcoding for biodiversity monitoring in a national park: Screening for invasive and pest species Archilegt0vor 3 Jahre 2 Monate
BiblioThe Lithoiomorpha of the continental Iberian Peninsula (Chilopoda): new data, description of a new species of the genus Lithobius (s.str.), checklist and identification key Archilegt0vor 3 Jahre 2 Monate
BiblioMyriapod Trivia - Curiosities of British Natural History & The Rabbit and the Centipede Archilegt0vor 3 Jahre 2 Monate
BiblioReport on the 18th International Congress of Myriapodology, 25-31 August 2019, Budapest Hungary Archilegt0vor 3 Jahre 2 Monate
BiblioDoppelfüßer (Diplopoda) Deutschlands [Millipedes of Germany] by Harald Hauser and Karin Voigtländer Archilegt0vor 3 Jahre 2 Monate
BiblioA molecular-based identification resource for the arthropods of Finland Archilegt0vor 3 Jahre 2 Monate
BiblioModular Foldable Airship Concept for Subterranean Exploration Archilegt0vor 3 Jahre 2 Monate
BiblioPortraits Wanted Archilegt0vor 3 Jahre 2 Monate
BiblioPortraits of Myriapodologists Archilegt0vor 3 Jahre 2 Monate
BiblioTwo new species of the millipede genus Plusioglyphiulus Silvestri, 1923 from Cambodia (Diplopoda, Spirostreptida) Archilegt0vor 3 Jahre 2 Monate
BiblioFive million years in the darkness: A new troglomorphic species of Cryptops Leach, 1814 (Chilopoda, Scolopendromorpha) from Movile Cave, Romania Archilegt0vor 3 Jahre 2 Monate
Taxon DescriptionCormocephalus mediosulcatus Archilegt0vor 3 Jahre 3 Monate
BiblioCormocephalus (Cormocephalus) guildingii Newport, 1845 (Chilopoda: Scolopendromorpha): a composite description, new samples from Western Mexico and a new species subgroup of Neotropical Cormocephalus (Cormocephalus) Archilegt0vor 3 Jahre 3 Monate
BiblioA preliminary catalogue of the centipede species (Myriapoda: Chilopoda) of the province of Córdoba (Andalucía, southern Spain) Archilegt0vor 3 Jahre 3 Monate
BiblioTaxonomic review of the millipede genus Haematotropis Jeekel, 2000 (Diplopoda, Polydesmida, Aphelidesmidae, Aphelidesminae) with descriptions of thirteen new species Archilegt0vor 3 Jahre 3 Monate
BiblioSeasonal variations in macrofauna distribution according to the distance from a herbaceous strip in a Mediterranean alley cropping plot Archilegt0vor 3 Jahre 3 Monate
BiblioThe antennal scape organ of Scutigera coleoptrata (Myriapoda) and a new type of arthropod tip-pore sensilla integrating scolopidial components Archilegt0vor 3 Jahre 3 Monate
BiblioDr. Martin Baehr (*10.3.1943, †17.4.2019) Obituary honouring his scientific achievements Archilegt0vor 3 Jahre 3 Monate
BiblioSoil in millipede diet: Implications on faecal pellet stability and nutrient release Archilegt0vor 3 Jahre 3 Monate
BiblioDaily Activities of the Giant Pill-Millipede Zephronia cf. viridescens Attems, 1936 (Diplopoda: Sphaerotheriida: Zephroniidae) in a Deciduous Forest in Northern Thailand Archilegt0vor 3 Jahre 3 Monate
BiblioRedescription and new combination for Euryurus flavocarinatus Daday, 1889, with a new name for the homonym Euryurus flavocarinatus Silvestri, 1899 (Diplopoda, Polydesmida, Aphelidesmidae) Archilegt0vor 3 Jahre 3 Monate


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith