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BiblioTaxonomie studies on the Melaphinae, a group of palearctic polydesmoid Diplopoda JMeans0vor 4 Jahre 3 Monate
BiblioRevision of the Milliped Genus Cherokia (Polydesmida: Xystodesmidae) JMeans0vor 4 Jahre 3 Monate
BiblioA Synopsis of the Atopetholidae, a Family of Spiroboloid Millipeds JMeans0vor 4 Jahre 3 Monate
BiblioA new diplopod genus from Guatemala, closely related to Desmonus, and its effect on the validity of the families Desmonidae and Cyclodesmidae (Polydesmida: Sphaeriodesmidae) JMeans0vor 4 Jahre 3 Monate
BiblioOn the identity of Pseudotremia cavemarum Cope, a poorly known American chordeumoid diplopod JMeans0vor 4 Jahre 3 Monate
BiblioThe status of Fontaria coriacea Koch and of Polydesmus corrugatus Wood: a most regrettable tangle of names in the Diplopoda (Polydesmida: Xystodesmidae) JMeans0vor 4 Jahre 3 Monate
BiblioGeneric names in the family Platyrhacidae and their type species, with a consideration of the status of Stenonia Gray, 1842 JMeans0vor 4 Jahre 3 Monate
BiblioStudies on spiroboloid millipeds. III. The genus Spirobolinus Silvestri JMeans0vor 4 Jahre 3 Monate
BiblioSynonymy of various diplopods JMeans0vor 4 Jahre 3 Monate
BiblioThe status of the milliped Lasiolathus virginicus, with notes on Scytonotus granulatus JMeans0vor 4 Jahre 3 Monate
BiblioNew genera for two poorly-known millipeds from Bahia (Polydesmida: Chelodesmidae) JMeans0vor 4 Jahre 3 Monate
BiblioObservations on the Distribution, Habitat, and Seasonality of the Centiped Scolopocryptops sexspinosus (Say) in Virginia (Scolopendromorpha: Cryptopidae) JMeans0vor 4 Jahre 3 Monate
BiblioMemories of Cas Jeekel, friend, colleague, and role model JMeans0vor 4 Jahre 3 Monate
BiblioOn the identity of Duoporus, an enidmatic Mesamerican milliped genus (Polydesmida: Holistophallidae) JMeans0vor 4 Jahre 3 Monate
BiblioAntillodesmus is a lepturodesmine genus (Polydesmida: Chelodesmidae) JMeans0vor 4 Jahre 3 Monate
BiblioFour new psaphodesmine genera from the Papuan region (Polydesmida: Platyrhacidae) JMeans0vor 4 Jahre 3 Monate
BiblioTwo new prepodesmine millipeds, genus Callistocilla, from Tanzania (Polydesmida: Chelodesmida) JMeans0vor 4 Jahre 3 Monate
BiblioCheirodesmus, an enigmatic West African milliped genus (Polydesmida: Chelodesmidae) JMeans0vor 4 Jahre 3 Monate
BiblioA new genus and species of trigoniuline milliped from Western Australia (Spirobolida: Pachybolidae: Trigoniulinae) JMeans0vor 4 Jahre 3 Monate
BiblioReview of Callistodontopyge, a genus of strikingly colored East African diplopods (Spirostreptida: Odontopygidae) JMeans0vor 4 Jahre 3 Monate
BiblioA new genus of telonychopodine millipeds from Brazil (Polydesmida: Chelodesmidae) JMeans0vor 4 Jahre 3 Monate
BiblioA synopsis of the platyrhacid millipeds of Borneo (Diplopoda: Polydesmida: Platyrhacidae) JMeans0vor 4 Jahre 3 Monate
BiblioA synopsis of the Telonychopodini, a tribe of Pantanalian chelodesmid millepeds (Polydesmida: Chelodesmidae) JMeans0vor 4 Jahre 3 Monate
BiblioTwo new genera of chelodesmid millipeds from southeastern Brazil (Polydesmida: Chelodesmidae) JMeans0vor 4 Jahre 3 Monate
BiblioThe curious genitalic structures of Tancitares michoacanus (Polydesmida, Rhachodesmidae) JMeans0vor 4 Jahre 3 Monate


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith