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BiblioMnohonožky (Diplopoda) chráněné krajinné oblasti Český kras. Millipedes (Diplopoda) of the Protected Landscape Area Bohemian Karst petr.dolejs0vor 3 Jahre 10 Monate
BiblioChilopoda – stonožky petr.dolejs0vor 3 Jahre 10 Monate
BiblioDiplopoda – mnohonožky petr.dolejs0vor 3 Jahre 10 Monate
BiblioDruhová rozmanitost českých mnohonožek v historickém kontextu (Species diversity of the Czech millipedes in the historical context) petr.dolejs0vor 3 Jahre 10 Monate
BiblioZajímaví půdní členovci. Mnohonožky [Interesting soil arthropods. Millipedes] petr.dolejs0vor 3 Jahre 10 Monate
BiblioMnohonožky (Myriapoda: Diplopoda) Jizerských hor, Frýdlantské pahorkatiny, Ještědského hřbetu a Liberecké kotliny (severní Čechy). Millipedes (Myriapoda: Diplopoda) of the Jizerské hory Mts, Frýdlantská pahorkatina Hills, Ještědský hřbet Ridge and Liberec petr.dolejs0vor 3 Jahre 10 Monate
BiblioMnohonožky (Myriapoda: Diplopoda) Prahy. Millipedes (Myriapoda: Diplopoda) of Prague (Central Bohemia) petr.dolejs0vor 3 Jahre 10 Monate
BiblioStonožky [Centipedes] petr.dolejs0vor 3 Jahre 10 Monate
BiblioMnohonožky [Millipedes] petr.dolejs0vor 3 Jahre 10 Monate
BiblioMnohonožky — skrytá fauna v Zoo Praha (Millipedes — hidden fauna at the Prague Zoo) petr.dolejs0vor 3 Jahre 10 Monate
BiblioMnohonožky (Myriapoda: Diplopoda) Dolního Posázaví II (Millipedes (Myriapoda: Diplopoda) of the Lower Posázaví II. (Central Bohemia, Czech Republic)) petr.dolejs0vor 3 Jahre 10 Monate
BiblioNew species of millipedes occurring in the Czech Republic: species discovered in the period 1970–2002 petr.dolejs0vor 3 Jahre 10 Monate
BiblioSeveral new species of millipedes (Diplopoda) from the Czech Republic petr.dolejs0vor 3 Jahre 10 Monate
BiblioPozoruhodné společenstvo mnohonožek Botanické zahrady UK (A remarkable community of millipedes of the Botanical Garden, Charles University) petr.dolejs0vor 3 Jahre 10 Monate
BiblioMnohonožky Dolního Posázaví [Millipedes of the Lower Posázaví] petr.dolejs0vor 3 Jahre 10 Monate
BiblioDie Hundertfüßer, Tausendfüßer und Zwergfüßer (Myriapoda, Chilopoda, Diplopoda, Symphyla) einer Sandabgrabung bei Haltern-Flaesheim (Kreis Recklinghausen, Nordrhein-Westfalen) Archilegt0vor 3 Jahre 10 Monate
BiblioNew data on the centipede (Chilopoda) fauna from Tajikistan Archilegt0vor 3 Jahre 10 Monate
BiblioThe Development of Arthropod Segmentation Across the Embryonic/Post-embryonic Divide – An Evolutionary Perspective Archilegt0vor 3 Jahre 10 Monate
BiblioNew data on lithobiomorph centipedes (Chilopoda, Lithobiomorpha) from anthropogenic habitats of Siberia Archilegt0vor 3 Jahre 10 Monate
BiblioMyriapod haemocyanin: the first three-dimensional reconstruction of Scolopendra subspinipes and preliminary structural analysis of S. viridicornis Archilegt0vor 3 Jahre 10 Monate
BiblioA Miocene pyrgodesmid millipede (Polydesmida: Pyrgodesmidae) from Mexico miguelhpatricio0vor 3 Jahre 10 Monate
BiblioA rare case of saurophagy by Scolopendra cingulata (Chilopoda: Scolopendridae) in the central Aegean Archipelago: a role for insularity? Archilegt0vor 3 Jahre 10 Monate
BiblioEnzymatic activities in the digestive tract of spirostreptid and spirobolid millipedes (Diplopoda: Spirostreptida and Spirobolida) Archilegt0vor 3 Jahre 10 Monate
BiblioEffects of short- and long-term exposure to cadmium on salivary glands and fat body of soil centipede Lithobius forficatus (Myriapoda, Chilopoda): Histology and ultrastructure Archilegt0vor 3 Jahre 10 Monate
BiblioInfluence of soil contaminated with cadmium on cell death in the digestive epithelium of soil centipede Lithobius forficatus (Myriapoda, Chilopoda) Archilegt0vor 3 Jahre 10 Monate


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith