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BiblioThe highest chromosome number and first chromosome fluorescent in situ hybridization in the velvet worms of the family Peripatidae Archilegt0vor 2 Jahre 11 Monate
BiblioEfecto de los gusanos de terciopelo (Onychophora) en la cultura y arte durante el periodo 2014-2019; representaciones, temáticas y distribución mundial Archilegt0vor 2 Jahre 11 Monate
BiblioA Cambrian fossil from the Chengjiang fauna sharing characters with gilled lobopodians and radiodontans Archilegt0vor 2 Jahre 11 Monate
PageResources Archilegt0vor 2 Jahre 11 Monate
BiblioSupplement to the Burmese (Myanmar) amber checklist and bibliography, 2020 Archilegt0vor 2 Jahre 11 Monate
BiblioCurrent Notes. K. W. Verhoeff Archilegt0vor 2 Jahre 11 Monate
BiblioCornogonopus – a new monotypic cave-dwelling genus of the family Anthroleucosomatidae (Diplopoda, Chordeumatida) from Serbia, Balkan Peninsula Archilegt0vor 2 Jahre 11 Monate
Taxon DescriptionOmmatoiulus moreleti Archilegt0vor 2 Jahre 11 Monate
BiblioLife stages of the non-native Ommatoiulus moreleti (Lucas, 1860) (Julida, Julidae) in Australian small grain systems Archilegt0vor 2 Jahre 11 Monate
BiblioInventaire entomologique des ZNIEFF de Martinique. Campagne de terrain 2019 Archilegt0vor 2 Jahre 12 Monate
BiblioLeg morphology and muscle systems in millipedes (Myriapoda, Diplopoda) investigated utilizing synchrotron micro-CT Archilegt0vor 2 Jahre 12 Monate
BiblioPenicillate Fauna of Australia and the South East Asian Region: Taxonomy, Biology and Distribution Archilegt0vor 2 Jahre 12 Monate
BiblioKlimawandel begünstigt Ausbreitung von Scutigera coleoptrata Archilegt0vor 2 Jahre 12 Monate
BiblioThe exact publication date in Arthropoda Selecta — what does this mean? Archilegt0vor 2 Jahre 12 Monate
BiblioBiospeleological notes on fauna in an artificial cave in Përmet (Albania) importance of former military installations for biodiversity Archilegt0vor 2 Jahre 12 Monate
BiblioOpinion 2450: Geophilus alpinus Meinert, 1870 (Chilopoda): specific name not conserved Archilegt0vor 2 Jahre 12 Monate
BiblioCase 3673: Geophilus alpinus Meinert, 1870 (Chilopoda): proposed conservation of the specific name Archilegt0vor 2 Jahre 12 Monate
BiblioOfficial Correction 133: (Opinion 2452) – Summary of Commissioners’ comments amended and (Opinion 2455) – Ruling (1)(b) amended Archilegt0vor 2 Jahre 12 Monate
BiblioOpinion 2452: Geophilus bonensis Meinert, 1870 (Chilopoda): specific name not conserved Archilegt0vor 2 Jahre 12 Monate
BiblioCase 3680: Geophilus bonensis Meinert, 1870 (currently Gnathoribautia bonensis; Chilopoda): proposed conservation of the specific name Archilegt0vor 2 Jahre 12 Monate
BiblioSpatial patterns of phylogenetic diversity and endemism in the Western Ghats, India: A case study using ancient predatory arthropods Archilegt0vor 3 Jahre 4 Stunden
BiblioÜber die Diplopodenfauna Schleswig-Holsteins Archilegt0vor 3 Jahre 19 Stunden
BiblioDecomposition of Organic Matter in Caves Archilegt0vor 3 Jahre 1 Tag
BiblioTourism effects on the subterranean fauna in a Central American cave Archilegt0vor 3 Jahre 1 Tag
BiblioThe Wynberg Cave System, the most important site for cave fauna in South Africa at risk Archilegt0vor 3 Jahre 1 Tag


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith