A review of the centipede genus Tidops Chamberlin (Scolopendromorpha, Scolopocryptopidae, Newportiinae)

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2011
Autoren:A. Chagas-Jr
Journal:International Journal of Myriapodology
Date Published:11/10/2011
Schlüsselwörter:Brazil, Chilopoda, Kartops, Neotropical, Newportia, Taxonomy

The neotropical genus Tidops Chamberlin, 1915 is reviewed and its geographical distribution is extended. The genus is now composed of four species – T. simus Chamberlin, 1915, T. collaris (Kraepelin, 1915), T. balzanii (Silvestri, 1895), and a new species described from the state of Bahia, in Brazil, named as Tidops nisargani. An amended diagnosis for each species is given. The monotypic genus Kartops Archey, 1923 was examined for the first time and the species K. guianae Archey, 1923 shown to be conspecific with T. collaris, and is therefore a junior synonym of T. collaris. The type species, T. simus, which was only known from Grenada, Lesser Antilles, is recorded for the first time from Brazil, T. balzanii from Bolivia and T. collaris from Venezuela, respectively.

Short Title:IJM
Citation Key:1138
Refereed Designation:Refereed
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