
Pagesort descendingAuthorsYearTitle
R. M. Shelley1990A new milliped of the genus Metaxycheir from the Pacific coast of Canada (Polydesmida: Xystodesmidae), with remarks on the tribe Chonaphini and the western Canadian and Alaskan diplopod fauna
R. M. Shelley2002Annotated Checklist Of The Millipeds Of California (Arthropoda: Diplopoda)
R. M. Shelley1997A re-evaluation of the milliped genus Motyxia Chamberlin, with a re-diagnosis of the tribe Xystocheirini and remarks on the bioluminescence (Polydesmida: Xystodesmidae)
R. M. Shelley1995The Sigmocheirini, a xystodesmid milliped tribe in the Sierra Nevada Mountains, California, U.S.A. (Polydesmida: Xystodesmidae)
R. M. Shelley1996Revision of the milliped genus Xystocheir Cook (Polydesmida: Xystodesmidae)
R. M. Shelley, Smith J. M.2011Expanded concept and revised taxonomy of the milliped family Xystodesmidae Cook, 1895 (Polydesmida: Leptodesmidea: Xystodesmoidea): incorporations of Euryuridae Pocock, 1909 and Eurymerodesmidae Causey, 1951, taxon revivals/proposals/ transferrals
R. M. Shelley1993The milliped genus Isaphe Cook (Polydesmida: Xystodesmidae)
R. M. Shelley1995Parcipromus, n. gen., a Xystodesmid milliped genus from the Sierra Nevada Mountains, California (Polydesmida)
R. M. Shelley2002A revised, annotated, family-level classification of the Diplopoda
R. M. Shelley1984A synopsis of the milliped genus Abacion Rafinesque (Callipodida: Caspiopetalidae)
R. M. Shelley1994Revision of the milliped family Paeromopodidae, and elevation of the Aprosphylosomatinae to family status (Julida: Paeromopodoidea)
R. M. Shelley, Bauer S. B.1997New records and species, and taxonomic alterations in the milliped family Paeromopodidae (Julida)
R. M. Shelley1996The milliped order Siphonophorida in the United States and northern Mexico
R. M. Shelley1993The myriapod types of Oscar Harger (Arthropoda: Diplopoda, Chilopoda)
R. M. Shelley1994The milliped family Nearctodesmidae in northwestern North America, with accounts of Sakophallus and S. simplex Chamberlin (Polydesmida)
R. M. Shelley1997The identity of Polydesmus sastianus Chamberlin, proposal of a new miliped genus, and remarks on the identity of Phreatodesmus hastingsus (Chamberlin) (Polydesmida: Polydesmidae)
R. M. Shelley2003A new polydesmid milliped genus and two new species from Oregon and Washington, U. S. A., with a review of Bidentogon Buckett and Gardner, 1968, and a summary of the family in Western North America (Polydesmida: Polydesmidae)
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith